Lose Deal Survey

Thank you for allowing us to submit our proposal for a new Shuttlelift gantry crane.  We value your feedback and would like to know how we can improve in the future.

Please help us by taking a few minutes to fill out the short survey below to receive a $50 Amazon gift card.

Rank the following features regarding importance when determining the best lifting solution for your business: (Give each feature a different number 1-5, with #1 being most important, and #5 being least important)

Aftermarket service and support for the product

The total cost of ownership over the life of the machine

Versatility/ability to safely lift a variety of materials with minimal output

Operating efficiency of the machine

Operating speeds around your yard

Please explain any additional items taken into account throughout the decision-making process (ex. Presentation of the proposal, Overall relationship with Shuttlelift, Experience working with a sales associate or dealer, Market Awareness, etc.)

Any advice on how we can better serve you in the future as a potential customer?